Fundability Before Fundraising
Startup Training Academy

A 90-Day Live Training to Help Founders Raise Funds.

NEW! We just opened our Fundability academy for registrations.

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Startup Fundraising is hard. It's faster & easier when you are fundable.

If you are...

  • Not sure what it means to be fundable
  • Struggling to get meaningful investor interest
  • Unsure if you are getting traction that investors care about
  • Tired of sorting thru dozens of random startup soundbites
  • Tired of hearing what founders should do without help on HOW to do it

... You're not alone.  95% of startups fail or dramatically miss expectations. 

You want to raise startup funds, but contrary to popular opinion, pitch deck templates are the wrong place to start.

Smart founders know to focus on fundability before fundraising.

You want to raise startup funds, but contrary to popular opinion, pitch deck templates are the wrong place to start.

Smart founders know to

focus on fundability 

before fundraising.


Fundability Before Fundraising Startup Training Academy 

Great execution leads to great success. But even the most educated founders struggle to transform high-level concepts into real world results. And by now, you've probably realized random hacks and disorganized tips & tricks aren't working. To help you build a healthy startup, we offer:

Better Curriculum

Structured training organized into a repeatable process / methodology

More Breadth & Depth

Not just a few high-level ideas. Broad, low-level blueprints.

Actionable Tools

Color-by-numbers templates to implement best practices.

Visual Learning

Improves learning by 400%. No one learns calculus from a fireside chat.

Across two live, 6-week programs,
you will learn to:

  • Prepare for fundraising and due diligence
  • Plan your funding strategy
  • Execute your strategy & build a fundable company 
  • Sell your traction with a killer pitch deck
  • Close prospective investors with reasonable terms

Part I: Build Fundability

A 6-week program to help founders Prepare, Plan, and Execute in support of a Pre-Seed fundraise.

Part II: Fundraise Intelligently

A 6-week program to help founders Sell and Close a Seed or Series A fundraise.

We go beyond presentation techniques and cold outreach tactics. Learn the same principles and processes taught at a major startup accelerator to build your pitch and raise funds the RIGHT WAY.

Our 5-Step Framework will show you how to:


for fundraising & due diligence.


your funding strategy.


your strategy & build a fundable company.


your traction with a killer pitch deck.


prospective investors with reasonable terms.

Meet Your Instructor

Sam Wong is a five-time startup executive with three exits. 

Meet Your Instructor

Sam Wong is a five-time startup executive with three exits. 

He wrote a book on startup execution, advises at accelerators, and is a popular speaker, with appearances at TechCrunch Disrupt & The Lean Startup Conference. With over 30 years of experience, Sam is highly qualified to address the many-faceted needs of a startup. 

Most founders want to jump straight into raising money before they have even built a fundable business. At Fundable Startups, we help founders build and execute a bottoms-up funding strategy, scale, then exit, joining the 3%-5% of startups that truly succeed.

Over 10,000 people have attended one (or more!) of our startup training classes. 

Here's what they have to say: 

Take A Peek Inside The Academy...


FUNDABILITY: Build Your Healthy Foundation


Startup Roadmap

  • Formation to exit roadmap
  • Critical success factors
  • Founder / startup fit
  • Lean Canvas & biz plans
  • Startup vs. small business

Startup Blueprint

  • Formation: C-Corp vs. LLC
  • Founder equity & tax
  • Cap table best practices
  • Investor due diligence
  • Data room configuration

Funding Strategy I

  • Fundraising mistakes
  • When, how, how much
  • Inflection points: product, sales & mktg, biz dev, IP
  • Financial modeling/FinOps

Funding Strategy II

  • Valuation & startup stock
  • Vehicles: convertible notes, SAFEs, priced equity
  • Conversion mechanics
  • Friends & family funding
  • Funding sources & targets

Lean Startup, Product Market Fit

  • Desirable, feasible, viable
  • Build, measure, learn cycle
  • Pivots: why, when, how
  • Customer / idea validation
  • MVP process & examples

Early-Stage Fundraising Pitches

  • Why most pitches fail
  • Storytelling & de-risking
  • Investor pitch lifecycle
  • Pre-Seed pitch decks, pitch practice & targeting


FUNDRAISING: Strategize & Pitch With Confidence


Funding Plan; Fundability

  • Funding strategy review
  • Funding plan: angels, VCs, SAFEs
  • De-risking threats: team, desirability, feasibility, viability, market, execution
  • Fundability assessment

Investor Mindset

  • Selling to investor pain
  • Angels vs. Venture Capitalists
  • How VC firms work & think
  • Investor pitch lifecycle
  • Reaching out so investors respond

Pitch Storytelling

  • Stories that captivate, validate, and motivate
  • Storytelling practicals
  • Storytelling examples
  • Pitch copywriting

Pitch Deck Slides &

  • Visually effective pitches
  • Pitch deck sections & slides
  • 5-10 keys to every pitch slide
  • Pitch scripting & practice
  • How to customize a pitch template

Finding & Closing Investors; Term Sheets

  • Tools to build investor lists
  • Real-world pitch delivery
  • Term sheet terms: economics, control, misc
  • Series Seed legal docs

Pitch Practice/Coaching; Accelerators; Wellness

  • Accelerators: pros & cons
  • Applying to Y Combinator & others
  • Founder balance, support, priorities, wellness
  • Live pitches & feedback

We teach priniciples in our academy that have helped founders close $260M in startup funding & exits.

Most Founders focus on pitches.

Most pitches fail.


Stop buying into worthless soundbites and startup folklore.

Instead, engineer your success with our proven, repeatable process.

The Academy focuses on getting your startup healthy and fundable, then on raising funds. Fundable startups raise funds faster, easier, at higher valuations & with better terms.

What are you waiting for?

"Hard to understand concepts are broken down into layman’s terms so that even first time founders (like me) can understand it. I’ve been searching for an entrepreneur’s road map but haven’t found one anywhere online … until now."

Lisa Clifford
CEO, Autistalline

"Great Insights from a “been there, done that” founder turned advisor.  Sam has some really great frameworks for logically derisking your business in the most effective order."

Eric Espinosa
CEO, Venture Validator

"Full of practical guidance with tons of specific examples that are easy to understand and apply. Detailed coverage of important topics such as MVP, valuation, exit strategies, and balancing family and friends in the midst of heavy startup stress."

Kevin Hardin
Owner, MakingProto

Join the Fundability Before Fundraising Training Academy Today!

Part 1: Fundability


Next 2024 Cohort TBD

  • 6 weeks (12 hours) of live training to build a fundable startup
  • Best for early-stage startups: formation, cap tables, funding strategy, product / market fit, MVP, F&F funding
  • Why most investor pitches fail; the art & science of great investor pitches
  • Startups raising Pre-Seed funds (up to $250K)
  • Weekly office hours w/Sam on fundability (starting with cohort #3)
  • All session recordings uploaded to student portal 
  • $500 course completion rebate (attend all sessions & complete all homework assignments)
  • Pitch deck practice & feedback in a group session
  • 12-month access to exclusive community, networking & tools

Part 2: Fundraising


Next Cohort Starts July 22, 2024!

  • 6 weeks (12 hours) of live training to raise funds intelligently
  • Best for fundable companies: fundability, investor mindset, pitches, investor outreach, term sheets, pitch practice
  • Pitch storytelling & de-risking that captivates, validates & motivates
  • Startups raising Seed & Series A funds ($1M+)
  • Weekly office hours w/Sam on startup execution, fundraising & pitches
  • All session recordings uploaded to student portal
  • $500 course completion rebate (attend all sessions & complete all homework assignments)
  • Pitch to ~5 angel investors & VCs
  • 12-month access to exclusive community, networking & tools

Have questions about the Academy?

Book a meeting with our team to discuss your goals and understand how our solutions can help you become fundable, raise funds, scale, and exit.

Book a Call

Our Guarantee

We guarantee your complete satisfaction with our Startup Academy. Participate in the classes for 30 days. If you are not 100% satisfied, email us at [email protected], show your commitment to the Academy so far, and we will refund your payment. You must be 100% satisfied with this this academy or your money back! You can check the non-hassle refund policy right here.

A community to build your business and grow your network.

Inside our exclusive Academy Community, members can:

  • Connect with other participants to ask questions and share experiences
  • Search the forum for past knowledge and posts
  • Explore training exercises and tools to build skills
  • Attend exclusive online meetup events.
Show Me the Details!

Who is the Startup Training Academy for?

To create a healthy environment for founder learning and growth, there are only 20 seats available per cohort.
The Academy is best suited for startup entrepreneurs who:
  • Are coachable, hungry to learn, and willing to work hard.
  • Have launched a startup business, or expect to start one in the very near future.
  • Want to build a solid, fundable foundation for their startup venture.
  • Will be committed to attend all sessions of the program (yes, we will take attendance).
  • Will complete the weekly homework assignments (usually requiring about 1 hour a week).

This is not  for you if:

  • You want shortcuts or quick hacks.
  • You aren't committed to the hard work required to build a successful venture.
  • You are entrenched in your thinking and unwilling to consider other methods.
  • You want to "buy" your way to investor introductions.
  • You think taking a class means investor funds are assured.
  • You can't attend all the sessions, or don't intend on doing the weekly exercises.

Frequently Asked Questions

For definitive details, refer to our website terms.

Hard Work Ahead ⚠️


DISCLAIMER: Startups are hard. They require a ton of skill, expertise, and commitment. We don’t believe in quick hacks or simple tips and tricks that purport to bring success. There is no “get rich quick” method to building a company. Even with great training and tools, most startups still run a very high risk of failure. Many startup variables such as the team, timing, idea, business model, funding, and your ability to work hard and persevere can have a dramatic impact on your success.

Fundable Startups is designed to provide support and guidance to help entrepreneurs move forward faster and better. But we cannot and do not guarantee any specific outcome from our ideas, information, training, or tools. We worked very hard to execute well and achieve our results in our previous startups and cannot guarantee similar results, as there are many factors beyond our control. Examples and scenarios are illustrative only, or represent past results that have no bearing or promise on future performance.

Fundable Startups, Execution Matters, LLC, and our coaches or instructors provide any and all resources and tools as-is with all faults and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. This disclaimer is necessary because the content and tools are offered for a comparatively low price. If the purchaser desires any type of warranty, then a commercially reasonable price would be at least one to two orders of magnitude higher.

None of our resources, content or tools are meant to serve as financial, legal, tax, investment, or management advice for your specific situation. We provide general information only. You are strongly advised to consult your own qualified counsel regarding any data, information, or decisions related to your particular situation. By using these resources and tools, you accept all risks and liabilities related to their use.

In summary, startups are very demanding and risky ventures. Most will fail. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to, the environment, your background, experience and work ethic. If these terms are not acceptable, please do not use or purchase our services or products.

If any conflicts exist between the summary disclaimer here and the definitive terms of use, the terms will control.